or Visitors:

Sunday 9 February 2025

Cinquième dimanche du Temps Ordinaire

5h 25 Vigiles
7h30 Laudes
10h00 Messe
12h 45 Sexte
14h 30 None
17h 00 Vêpres
20h 35 Complies

The Rule of Benedict

Listen carefully, my child, to your master’s precepts, and incline the ear of your heart ; receive willingly and carry out effectively your loving father’s advice, that by the labor of obedience you may return to Him from whom you had departed by the sloth of disobedience. To you, therefore, my words are now addressed, whoever you may be, who are renouncing your own will to do battle under the Lord Christ, the true King, and are taking up the strong, bright weapons of obedience.

Reconstruction of the east wing

Books, CDs, Gregorian chant, organ and religious music; a wide range of products made with honey, artisanal (homemade products) made by religious communities, and also, local products from Normandy
You’ll also find traditional Saint-Wandrille wax and beer brewed by the monks!

The community is happy to pray for all the Wandrilles entrusted to its care. If you have this beautiful name, don’t hesitate to sign up!

In 2017, we organized a “Wandrille Day”.