The Gothic cloister

As usual, the community launched the work in successive steps, as allowed by the financing possibilities.

Summary of the work in a few photos

Before beginning the restoration work, it was necessary to stop the ravages of humidity. A series of works was undertaken: the revision of gallery’s coverage, the installation of a drainage system in order to lead runoff waters into the Fontenelle stream…

An apprentice carpenter restoring the doors of the chapter house.

Restoration of the vaults and claddings done.

Restitution of the parapet and pinacles.

Kit parapets!

A small look through the scaffolding.

Second restitution done!

The sculpted blocks are ready.

They are lifted above the refectory building.

Our sculptor had a lot of statuaries to restore in this gallery.

… including, the beautiful Renaissance lavabo and around the refectory’s doors.

Last pinacles! Each gallery has a different pattern of parapet: all of them are from the lavabo.

The glazed earthenware tiles were made following the traditional method.

Tiles’ colors were based on the remaining fragments.

The same tiles, green and yellow, were put in this other gallery.

To end it up, the lavabo was given its taps back.

The work on Notre-Dame de Fontenelle begins…